Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Going Private...

So I really hate to do this because I hate it when people's blogs that I'm stalking go private and I feel too stupid to give them my email address, but I've decided to make our blog private. It's been a huge debate for a while and so I put a blog patrol on our blog to see how people were viewing it. After the last couple of days of seeing really freaky ways people are viewing it, I've decided to bite the bullet and just go private. So here's the deal if I can figure it out, I'm going to keep this blog and create a new blog that's private, but you'll still see updates here on your google readers, but the actually post won't be here. You'll just have to click on the link to see the private blog. Clear as mud?? It might take a while to work out the kinks in this amazing plan. ;) So leave a comment with your email addresses (I'll be moderating comments so no one else can see them) or send me your email addresses to allredcheryl(at)hotmail(dot)com. Don't be afraid to send me your address if you stalk our blog because I blog stalk with the best of them (ask Robert). I know a lot of Robert's family looks at this blog so just send me your address. It's just a little scary how easily people can view our blog and I just want to be safe! You all understand, right? Good!